Harry Styles facts

by - 10:45 AM

Little Baby Harry Style

Little baby Harry Styles

1. Harry's full name is Harry Edward Styles

2. Harry was born on 1st February 1994.

3. Before in One Direction, Harry used to be in a band called 'White Eskimo'.

4. Harry has one sister called Gemma.

5. Harry admits that he had his first kiss when he was 11.

6. Harry was actually the one who came up with the band's name 'One Direction'.

7. Harry's mother is called Anne.

8. According to His mother, Harry is a very romantic guy.

9. Harry's favourite film genre is action/adventure.

10. When Harry was younger his hair used to be straight.

11. Harry's favorite color is blue

12. Harry's favorite animal is turtle.

13. If Harry is truly interested in a fan, he will stop to talk to her. Get her name. Twitter name. andsay "I love you"l before he walks away.

14. Harry is afraid to get a girlfriend, because he doesn't want to upset his fans

15. Harry loves cats.

16. Harry wants to name his first daughter "Darcy"

17. Harry will find you 110 times more attractive if you smile.

18. Harry sleeps naked.

19. Harry wants Louis to be his best man at his wedding.

20. Liam once said that the cure for Direction infection was to kiss Harry.
21. The boys say Harry is the smartest in the group.

22. Harry is the biggest game-cheater out of everyone in One Direction.

23. Louis and Harry first met in the toilets at X-Factor.

24. Harry loves Zayn's cheekbones!

25. Harry signs his name with one 'r'.

26. He has Ophidiophobiam, which is the fear of snakes.

27. Harry's star tattoo on the side of his arms has 5 points for all the members in One Direction.

28. He says he doesn't understand why girls are attracted to him.

29. Harry said he would pose naked at some point to OK! Magazine.

30. Harry has soft hands!

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