Harry Styles Quotes

by - 10:59 AM

1. "I don't mind getting a black eye, or a broken arm for my girl, as long as she's there to kiss it after." - Harry

2. "Keep the change you filthy animal" -Harry Edward Styles

3. "It only takes a second to call a girl fat and she'll take a life time starving herself." -Harry Edward Styles

4. " I get really upset some days , and I really just wish I had someone there to cuddle"-Harry Edward Styles

5. "My worst habbit is getting naked all the time." -Harry Edward Styles

6. "Until I find the perfect girl, I have Louis"

7. "Work hard, play hard and be kind"

8. "I think you have to take me for me, i am who i am"

9."GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN" - Harry Styles

10."Age is just a number, maturity is a choice"

11."I've always wanted to be the kind of person who didn't really care what people thought about them... but i don't think i am"

12." I want a girl who respect herself. It means her standards are high and i fit them then i'd be honored"

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